Sunday, June 08, 2008

Moon Cheese at Blanchard Hill

Just as I had given up on the day, the phone rang with a promising report for Blanchard.. After a quick look at the Bellingham Bay Cam it was on..
When we got to the top there were a bunch of guys set up and launching off of the west side.. That didn't seem right to me so I went over to the south launch and set up by myself.. Clearer heads prevailed and before long the remaining jumpers trundled over and bailed into an obvious south day..
Initially, the broken cloud cover set a regular pace of up cycles and down cycles.. Jeff and I made our way over to the south face and floated through most of the down times.. When the sunny periods drifted through, the thermals firmed up and we were able to core up to three thousand: cloudbase..
Nice little three hour flight.. Not a high day; but a good day..
