Thursday, September 04, 2008
Which Country First..?
I watched the RNC last night.. Like millions of other Americans, I was interested in the McAged pick for his VP ruining mate.. Oh, sorry.. I meant running mate..
The typical republican disrespect began with the robotic-arm king of New York.. I couldn't get past the little man's robot arm pumping up and down like it was disconnected from him.. But the first indication of the fear mongering was the twin tower-less NY skyline jammed down my throat, blazing in the background.. What a load of disrespectful BS..
I couldn't help but wonder if I was the only one who felt bad for the families of everyone affected by that day in 2001.. I felt embarrassed for our political system that enables the fear mongers to use grief and tragedy for political gain..
Then it was Palin's turn.. In the beginning I was entertained.. But her condescending disrespect really started annoying me.. By the end of her onslaught I had completely written her off as another idiot evangelical republican who can't understand that there are other views and opinions in the world.. I did learn one thing significant however.. She admittedly bought her popularity in her home state with oil revenue; If she'd send me some of that cash I might give her a popular rating too..
There are tons of allegations and stories being levied against McAged's ruining mate (damn.. did it again..) I meant running mate.. I'll let you figure out which angle you choose to look at on those, as yet, unconfirmed reports..
There is however one issue that cannot be ignored.. The fact that Palin is part of an Alaska group that promotes that state's secession from the union.. I don't really feel that I'm informed enough to have an opinion on that group's ideas and goals.. But I do feel strongly that any connection with any group that advocates a break up of the Unites States should disqualify Palin from any national political office..
She thinks that Alaska should be it's own country..? Maybe that's not such a bad idea.. If Alaska was it's own country, then McAged could illegally invade and occupy it and steal their oil too.. Just think of the convoluted spin he could use on that one.. He could make a bunch of civil war references and there is no doubt he'd seal his place in history.. The finest President since Abe Lincoln..
I can't wait..
The typical republican disrespect began with the robotic-arm king of New York.. I couldn't get past the little man's robot arm pumping up and down like it was disconnected from him.. But the first indication of the fear mongering was the twin tower-less NY skyline jammed down my throat, blazing in the background.. What a load of disrespectful BS..
I couldn't help but wonder if I was the only one who felt bad for the families of everyone affected by that day in 2001.. I felt embarrassed for our political system that enables the fear mongers to use grief and tragedy for political gain..
Then it was Palin's turn.. In the beginning I was entertained.. But her condescending disrespect really started annoying me.. By the end of her onslaught I had completely written her off as another idiot evangelical republican who can't understand that there are other views and opinions in the world.. I did learn one thing significant however.. She admittedly bought her popularity in her home state with oil revenue; If she'd send me some of that cash I might give her a popular rating too..
There are tons of allegations and stories being levied against McAged's ruining mate (damn.. did it again..) I meant running mate.. I'll let you figure out which angle you choose to look at on those, as yet, unconfirmed reports..
There is however one issue that cannot be ignored.. The fact that Palin is part of an Alaska group that promotes that state's secession from the union.. I don't really feel that I'm informed enough to have an opinion on that group's ideas and goals.. But I do feel strongly that any connection with any group that advocates a break up of the Unites States should disqualify Palin from any national political office..
She thinks that Alaska should be it's own country..? Maybe that's not such a bad idea.. If Alaska was it's own country, then McAged could illegally invade and occupy it and steal their oil too.. Just think of the convoluted spin he could use on that one.. He could make a bunch of civil war references and there is no doubt he'd seal his place in history.. The finest President since Abe Lincoln..
I can't wait..
Monday, September 01, 2008
Small Scale Convergence Zone
Mount Stewart, Bellingham Washington..
I’ve nicknamed Mt. Stewart “Ugly Betty”.. Ugly because of the logging scars that pepper the entire face of the mountain.. And Betty because of the beautiful soaring conditions that can at times be as mysterious as a beauty queen..
Thermal conditions at Stewart lure pilots along a southern spine and along the north spine.. Both of these features appear to reach out and collect convection currents in an obvious search and soar pattern.. Many times the search is successful.. But sometimes the search can lead to a frustrating marginal soaring flight spent looking at a curious set of cumulous clouds that continuously form out over the large gap between the two spines..
Most days at Stewart you are able to see surface wind conditions evidencing from the southwest at Agate Bay on Lake Whatcom.. A few miles to the north, on the other side of Squalicum Mountain, additional feedback typically shows surface winds from the northwest on Squalicum Lake..
My theory is that depending on the prevailing wind’s strength and direction, the flow directed around Squalicum Mountain often meets as a small-scale convergence line on the lee side of Squalicum Mountain.. This convergence thermal area is directly out in front of Mt. Stewart and away from the north and south spines that are favored by the conservative school of thought.. Unfortunately, conservative decision making rarely lends itself to rewarding discovery..
Last Saturday was one of those curious cumulous days at Stewart.. There were numerous clouds developing all around the area.. But early in the afternoon, the clouds did not firmly set up above the mountain.. The strange set of clouds out in front of Stewart, in the lee of Squalicum Mountain, had been consistently developing however..
I, and a few other pilots, had been struggling to stay in the air for about forty minutes.. We weren’t getting very high and I felt that we were fighting a losing battle.. We had sunk down to an altitude where the typical course would be to follow the north spine out toward the landing areas while still keeping yourself in a position to work anything that was coming up the south face of the north spine..
Instead of making the run across the spine, the clouds out in front were too tempting to ignore.. The Agate Bay wind was showing southwest and the Squalicum Lake wind was indicating northwest.. I flew straight out away from the mountain and directly toward the convergence; or what I thought should be the convergence area..
The first bumps of thermal were solid, but not very big.. I continued towards the west and flew into a large area of lift that was quite smooth and consistent all the way to cloud base.. From there it was easy to hop from cloud to cloud.. None of those clouds were above Mt. Stewart; All of the lift was way out away from the mountain.. After a while I had made a brief tour of the area and came back quite low.. The wind in the landing area was light and fickle so I wasn’t interesting in landing.. The convergence thermal was still working so I climbed back to cloud base in the same smooth and consistent lift that had taken me up an hour earlier..
Now I’m not saying that the convergence is going to be there all the time.. And I’m not even saying that the convergence is really there at all.. All I’m saying is that it’s worth thinking about.. ..
I’ve nicknamed Mt. Stewart “Ugly Betty”.. Ugly because of the logging scars that pepper the entire face of the mountain.. And Betty because of the beautiful soaring conditions that can at times be as mysterious as a beauty queen..
Thermal conditions at Stewart lure pilots along a southern spine and along the north spine.. Both of these features appear to reach out and collect convection currents in an obvious search and soar pattern.. Many times the search is successful.. But sometimes the search can lead to a frustrating marginal soaring flight spent looking at a curious set of cumulous clouds that continuously form out over the large gap between the two spines..
Most days at Stewart you are able to see surface wind conditions evidencing from the southwest at Agate Bay on Lake Whatcom.. A few miles to the north, on the other side of Squalicum Mountain, additional feedback typically shows surface winds from the northwest on Squalicum Lake..
My theory is that depending on the prevailing wind’s strength and direction, the flow directed around Squalicum Mountain often meets as a small-scale convergence line on the lee side of Squalicum Mountain.. This convergence thermal area is directly out in front of Mt. Stewart and away from the north and south spines that are favored by the conservative school of thought.. Unfortunately, conservative decision making rarely lends itself to rewarding discovery..
Last Saturday was one of those curious cumulous days at Stewart.. There were numerous clouds developing all around the area.. But early in the afternoon, the clouds did not firmly set up above the mountain.. The strange set of clouds out in front of Stewart, in the lee of Squalicum Mountain, had been consistently developing however..
I, and a few other pilots, had been struggling to stay in the air for about forty minutes.. We weren’t getting very high and I felt that we were fighting a losing battle.. We had sunk down to an altitude where the typical course would be to follow the north spine out toward the landing areas while still keeping yourself in a position to work anything that was coming up the south face of the north spine..
Instead of making the run across the spine, the clouds out in front were too tempting to ignore.. The Agate Bay wind was showing southwest and the Squalicum Lake wind was indicating northwest.. I flew straight out away from the mountain and directly toward the convergence; or what I thought should be the convergence area..

The first bumps of thermal were solid, but not very big.. I continued towards the west and flew into a large area of lift that was quite smooth and consistent all the way to cloud base.. From there it was easy to hop from cloud to cloud.. None of those clouds were above Mt. Stewart; All of the lift was way out away from the mountain.. After a while I had made a brief tour of the area and came back quite low.. The wind in the landing area was light and fickle so I wasn’t interesting in landing.. The convergence thermal was still working so I climbed back to cloud base in the same smooth and consistent lift that had taken me up an hour earlier..
Now I’m not saying that the convergence is going to be there all the time.. And I’m not even saying that the convergence is really there at all.. All I’m saying is that it’s worth thinking about.. ..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
George W. Bush and his Nation of Fear
Propaganda.. Brainwashing.. Easily perpetrated on willing sheep..
Be sure to get your government sponsored converter box.. You don't want to miss out on your brainwashing.. But if you already have your plasma screen and your fully digital propoganda connection, you're set..
Strange how you have to pay so much for your digital brainwashing; Seems like your government should be subsidizing it for you.. At the very least, your tithing ought to pick up some of the tab.. Because god must want you to be afraid..
Be sure to get your government sponsored converter box.. You don't want to miss out on your brainwashing.. But if you already have your plasma screen and your fully digital propoganda connection, you're set..
Strange how you have to pay so much for your digital brainwashing; Seems like your government should be subsidizing it for you.. At the very least, your tithing ought to pick up some of the tab.. Because god must want you to be afraid..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
How many times can you face your death..?
Death can come at any instant.. Death can come without any warning.. Or it can come preceded with a deafening sound of mindless military precision; Just a couple of seconds of warning.. Just enough time to ask yourself about the noise.. Just a couple of seconds to try and figure out which direction that ripping sound is coming from..
On VR1355 they always come from the east.. Always look towards the east and you can face your death.. Face it head-on like a man; shake like a girl later..
How much vertical separation do you really need..? Is fifty feet enough.. I guess that depends.. If you intend to fly close, then fifty feet can be adequate.. But if you're just flying above a peaceful mountain top minding your own business and the sky suddenly is ripped up by a terrain flying EA-6B Prowler, then fifty feet is nowhere near enough.. Nowhere near enough..
How many times can you face your death..? For me, I hope more than once..
On VR1355 they always come from the east.. Always look towards the east and you can face your death.. Face it head-on like a man; shake like a girl later..
How much vertical separation do you really need..? Is fifty feet enough.. I guess that depends.. If you intend to fly close, then fifty feet can be adequate.. But if you're just flying above a peaceful mountain top minding your own business and the sky suddenly is ripped up by a terrain flying EA-6B Prowler, then fifty feet is nowhere near enough.. Nowhere near enough..
How many times can you face your death..? For me, I hope more than once..
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Paris Hilton for President
McAged McCain has no chance now.. First, the biggest celebrity in the world makes him look bad.. Now, Paris Hilton throws her "because I'm hot" hat into the ring..
If I could vote twice, I'd vote for Paris.. Because she's hot.. And because she's "like, totally ready to lead"..
If I could vote twice, I'd vote for Paris.. Because she's hot.. And because she's "like, totally ready to lead"..
See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Moon Cheese at Blanchard Hill
Just as I had given up on the day, the phone rang with a promising report for Blanchard.. After a quick look at the Bellingham Bay Cam it was on..
Nice little three hour flight.. Not a high day; but a good day..
When we got to the top there were a bunch of guys set up and launching off of the west side.. That didn't seem right to me so I went over to the south launch and set up by myself.. Clearer heads prevailed and before long the remaining jumpers trundled over and bailed into an obvious south day..
When we got to the top there were a bunch of guys set up and launching off of the west side.. That didn't seem right to me so I went over to the south launch and set up by myself.. Clearer heads prevailed and before long the remaining jumpers trundled over and bailed into an obvious south day..

Initially, the broken cloud cover set a regular pace of up cycles and down cycles.. Jeff and I made our way over to the south face and floated through most of the down times.. When the sunny periods drifted through, the thermals firmed up and we were able to core up to three thousand: cloudbase..
..Nice little three hour flight.. Not a high day; but a good day..
Monday, May 05, 2008
Dog Mountain and Elk Mountain Soaring
Scott and I ran down to Dog today.. The forecast was for North winds and sunshine.. With my limited experience at Dog the conditions sounded good.. But to be honest, I really had no idea..
At 1:30 the conditions on top were less than inspiring.. One impatient pilot bailed off the launch and made short work of what looked like a frustrating fly-down.. Not long after, a number of others launched and a large percentage of them also grovelled their way down to the lake bed.. Some of that group however was able to hang on and stay in the game until the lake started to show signs of wind turning on for the afternoon..
Scott launched off of the north side and actually made some thermalling turns to get over the top while the guys out front started to climb a little bit.. By the time I decided to jump, the conditions had improved considerably..
The wind eventually turned north-northwest and the whole north side was lit up with decent ridge/thermal air that kept improving as the evening settled in.. The lake had filled-in from the north and a couple of pilots had already jumped across to Elk and disappeared to who-knows-where.. Scott said that he flew from Elk climbing all the way across the lake towards Peterman; 5000 feet directly over the lake..
My little trip over to Elk was my first.. I don't fly Dog that often so I took my time and enjoyed it..
Scott and I ran down to Dog today.. The forecast was for North winds and sunshine.. With my limited experience at Dog the conditions sounded good.. But to be honest, I really had no idea..
At 1:30 the conditions on top were less than inspiring.. One impatient pilot bailed off the launch and made short work of what looked like a frustrating fly-down.. Not long after, a number of others launched and a large percentage of them also grovelled their way down to the lake bed.. Some of that group however was able to hang on and stay in the game until the lake started to show signs of wind turning on for the afternoon..
Scott launched off of the north side and actually made some thermalling turns to get over the top while the guys out front started to climb a little bit.. By the time I decided to jump, the conditions had improved considerably..

The wind eventually turned north-northwest and the whole north side was lit up with decent ridge/thermal air that kept improving as the evening settled in.. The lake had filled-in from the north and a couple of pilots had already jumped across to Elk and disappeared to who-knows-where.. Scott said that he flew from Elk climbing all the way across the lake towards Peterman; 5000 feet directly over the lake..
My little trip over to Elk was my first.. I don't fly Dog that often so I took my time and enjoyed it..
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
This Week's Fear Culture
Here in The Corporate States of FeArmerica, we live in a culture that revolves around fear.. See it for what it is and free yourself from the corporate tyranny of fear..
Some common media themes: Death, Bombs, Guns, Sex Predators, Natural Disasters, Strange Creatures, Finances, Children, Family, Drugs
Gas prices hit 13th straight high..Death toll rises..train collision..fists..Diabetes..worker falls 40 feet..trapped by wildfire..Tough times..Death is part of risk..Dad confesses to raping captive daughter..Barracks aswim in feces..Dozens dead..crash..workers turned into slaves..suicidal..House of never saw daylight..California blaze..Dolphin dies..accident..Pain..sufferers..Gator grabs hit..tornadoes..Foreclosures spike..Dad who held kids in worry..disgusting' barracks..girl sues..Grand Theft..inmate sues..Man vs. gator in 7-minute battle for's illness..razor attack..gas-tax..record declines..victims may owe state money..pirates..wild fight..destructive..Gas prices hit 16th record high..polygamist teen..Smiley Face killer drowning young men..Baby found in house riddled with filth..Girl thrown on fire..Girl sticks 35 classmates with needle..Huge squid has soccer ball-sized eyes..Incest family..Economy continues to sputter..Standing where blood once flowed..Family victimized by incest..Fire rages..Girl thrown on fire..illegal..Colossal squid has soccer-ball eyes ..die..battles killed hundreds..fighting..erupted..Woman found dead in burned house..Women brutally beaten..missing..3 boys suspected..Killer on loose..lacerated spleen..Standing where blood once flowed..Incest dad vacationed..Baby found in house riddled with filth..Grieving dad..hurt..Odd sun halo spotted in terror threats..boys may have been abused..just been crucified..Crying 4-year-old found along highway..Parents plead for son..Incest dad reportedly spent days in cellar..detergent suicides..blockade..Terrorists..we want to kill you..fear..stigma..911 dispatcher falls asleep during call breathing..Shooter..paralyzed girl..Babies tossed off 50-foot tower..fight..Mystery quakes confuse experts..Selling Family Treasures to Pay Bills..Deadly blast..Violent storms..bad news..Distraught mom..hanged..burglars..heroin charge..punch..firing..Millions of honeybees fill house..suicide..dungeons..House of Horror..incest cellar..Funnel cloud..Doomed..Manhole fires..Tree kills sleeping girl..Militants vow revenge..murdered..devastated..dies at 66..storms kill 7..The heavens opened and giant funnels fell from the sky..
Some common media themes: Death, Bombs, Guns, Sex Predators, Natural Disasters, Strange Creatures, Finances, Children, Family, Drugs
Gas prices hit 13th straight high..Death toll rises..train collision..fists..Diabetes..worker falls 40 feet..trapped by wildfire..Tough times..Death is part of risk..Dad confesses to raping captive daughter..Barracks aswim in feces..Dozens dead..crash..workers turned into slaves..suicidal..House of never saw daylight..California blaze..Dolphin dies..accident..Pain..sufferers..Gator grabs hit..tornadoes..Foreclosures spike..Dad who held kids in worry..disgusting' barracks..girl sues..Grand Theft..inmate sues..Man vs. gator in 7-minute battle for's illness..razor attack..gas-tax..record declines..victims may owe state money..pirates..wild fight..destructive..Gas prices hit 16th record high..polygamist teen..Smiley Face killer drowning young men..Baby found in house riddled with filth..Girl thrown on fire..Girl sticks 35 classmates with needle..Huge squid has soccer ball-sized eyes..Incest family..Economy continues to sputter..Standing where blood once flowed..Family victimized by incest..Fire rages..Girl thrown on fire..illegal..Colossal squid has soccer-ball eyes ..die..battles killed hundreds..fighting..erupted..Woman found dead in burned house..Women brutally beaten..missing..3 boys suspected..Killer on loose..lacerated spleen..Standing where blood once flowed..Incest dad vacationed..Baby found in house riddled with filth..Grieving dad..hurt..Odd sun halo spotted in terror threats..boys may have been abused..just been crucified..Crying 4-year-old found along highway..Parents plead for son..Incest dad reportedly spent days in cellar..detergent suicides..blockade..Terrorists..we want to kill you..fear..stigma..911 dispatcher falls asleep during call breathing..Shooter..paralyzed girl..Babies tossed off 50-foot tower..fight..Mystery quakes confuse experts..Selling Family Treasures to Pay Bills..Deadly blast..Violent storms..bad news..Distraught mom..hanged..burglars..heroin charge..punch..firing..Millions of honeybees fill house..suicide..dungeons..House of Horror..incest cellar..Funnel cloud..Doomed..Manhole fires..Tree kills sleeping girl..Militants vow revenge..murdered..devastated..dies at 66..storms kill 7..The heavens opened and giant funnels fell from the sky..
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Another Spring Flight at Blanchard Hill
Typically, Blanchard Hill is not predictable from my vantage point at Paine Field.. But after watching the BellCold weather site all morning, I told my boss that I had to go or I was going to be sick.. I left work at 10:30 and ran home to grab my glider.. When I got to the top of the hill the bay was dark with wind.. The direction appeared to have a bit of south in it; but I could see a number of indicators that it was going to clock around to the west soon.. A couple of other guys showed up and it was on..
Typically, Blanchard Hill is not predictable from my vantage point at Paine Field.. But after watching the BellCold weather site all morning, I told my boss that I had to go or I was going to be sick.. I left work at 10:30 and ran home to grab my glider.. When I got to the top of the hill the bay was dark with wind.. The direction appeared to have a bit of south in it; but I could see a number of indicators that it was going to clock around to the west soon.. A couple of other guys showed up and it was on..
Within fifteen minutes after launching off of the cliff, I was gliding over to Chuckanut.. A bunch of locals showed up and followed me around for a while.. I'm sure that they got bored with my slow lumbering technique; they each took turns making fun of me just before they balled-up and fell out of the sky.. The next couple of hours felt like laying in a freezer superman style; I froze my ass off..
.. ..
The mood of the sky changed as the day went on.. I was in the air for almost four hours and those subtle changes made a long day pleasantly tolerable..
Big 360 - Short Video Clip..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Fear Culture
Watch the news outlets enough and you'll start to see some common themes emerge.. The media pounds the weak with emotionally charged fear issues.. I'm just starting to develop a list of those themes..
Common Themes: Death..Bombs..Guns..Sex Predators..Natural Disasters..Strange Creatures..Finances..Children..Family..Drugs..
migrants drown..Gas prices jump..quake shakes..tornadoes strike..ammo-smuggling..drug sting..Mystery water..bomb plot..Weird fish leave sea..Sex offenders live at child care facilities..bodies found floating..Moms struggling with rising prices..paying for food..Boy flees..begging..Waste food dished up to hungry diners..Teen could have made bomb in minutes..Inhaling dirty air same as if a kid smoked..32 shot..6 killed..violent..home sales fall ..Al Qaeda..attacks..Spy plane shot down..anti-Christian cult leader..Mother dead, alert issued for kids..falling thieves..swimmers faint..Working folks trade food for gas..There's an alligator in my kitchen..Smog linked to early death ..Russian missile obliterates spy plane..Suicidal bookkeeper..long, bloody summer..rape..Group stuck on remote Pacific island..suspended over smoking..lies..needs surgery..Grizzly kills man..silent tsunami of hunger..Traitor..fake spy..$100 to gas a loaded van..perilous..medieval wounds..not catching illegals..Rampaging elephant kills 3 at shock..War..truckers clash..fuel tax..Arms cache..squashes..booted..sentenced on tax charges..nuke..War..jail for tax ends in death..Girl's detergent suicide leaves dozens ill..people fall through the cracks..truckers clash..fuel tax..gravely hurt in crash..divorce..Waterboarding..execution ..Humans nearly went extinct..Migrant uses corpse as life preserver..detergent suicide leaves dozens ill..Armed robber..14-foot crocodile winched into truck..Boy crisis..Police raid..verdict..shooting..Suicide bomber..3 years in tax case..Carjacker..Bee tornado chases patrons from store..Sinkhole gulps..terror attack..threatens..war..dead..fires..pain..suffering ..jail..Wounded..unborn twins die..Gun seller..$5.40/gallon gas..Deadly snake found slithering on beach..
Common Themes: Death..Bombs..Guns..Sex Predators..Natural Disasters..Strange Creatures..Finances..Children..Family..Drugs..

migrants drown..Gas prices jump..quake shakes..tornadoes strike..ammo-smuggling..drug sting..Mystery water..bomb plot..Weird fish leave sea..Sex offenders live at child care facilities..bodies found floating..Moms struggling with rising prices..paying for food..Boy flees..begging..Waste food dished up to hungry diners..Teen could have made bomb in minutes..Inhaling dirty air same as if a kid smoked..32 shot..6 killed..violent..home sales fall ..Al Qaeda..attacks..Spy plane shot down..anti-Christian cult leader..Mother dead, alert issued for kids..falling thieves..swimmers faint..Working folks trade food for gas..There's an alligator in my kitchen..Smog linked to early death ..Russian missile obliterates spy plane..Suicidal bookkeeper..long, bloody summer..rape..Group stuck on remote Pacific island..suspended over smoking..lies..needs surgery..Grizzly kills man..silent tsunami of hunger..Traitor..fake spy..$100 to gas a loaded van..perilous..medieval wounds..not catching illegals..Rampaging elephant kills 3 at shock..War..truckers clash..fuel tax..Arms cache..squashes..booted..sentenced on tax charges..nuke..War..jail for tax ends in death..Girl's detergent suicide leaves dozens ill..people fall through the cracks..truckers clash..fuel tax..gravely hurt in crash..divorce..Waterboarding..execution ..Humans nearly went extinct..Migrant uses corpse as life preserver..detergent suicide leaves dozens ill..Armed robber..14-foot crocodile winched into truck..Boy crisis..Police raid..verdict..shooting..Suicide bomber..3 years in tax case..Carjacker..Bee tornado chases patrons from store..Sinkhole gulps..terror attack..threatens..war..dead..fires..pain..suffering ..jail..Wounded..unborn twins die..Gun seller..$5.40/gallon gas..Deadly snake found slithering on beach..
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Fear Constructed Fear
I've been preoccupied with fear.. Not my fears however.. I've been preoccupied with the concept of fear used as a social engineering tool..
Fear is a commodity manufactured by the media in order to influence populations.. Mass media is an extremely pervasive force in giving the public a purely subjective picture of the world..

Fear is a commodity manufactured by the media in order to influence populations.. Mass media is an extremely pervasive force in giving the public a purely subjective picture of the world..

Fear your government..
Fear the corporate war machine..
Fear constructed fear..
Fear is the mind killer..
Fear fear..
Friday, April 18, 2008
Endless Winter
Last Saturday was great; temperatures were near 80 degrees and the wind was light.. Desiree and I spent some time in the yard digging out a few weeds.. Later in the afternoon we geared up and rode our bikes for a few hours.. It felt like summer could actually be on it's way..

Just a few days later however, summer is far away once again.. Temperatures in the 30's and we're saddened by 5 inches of snow..


Just a few days later however, summer is far away once again.. Temperatures in the 30's and we're saddened by 5 inches of snow..

Culture of Fear Report
Mired in a Culture of Fear, the weak are spiralled into irrelevance by the media..
foreclosures up 178%..results remain hidden..Hungry..broke..Greedy..homeless..killings..Kidnapped..blackmailing suspects..due in court..Cops find gun..park shooting..pond scum..Pit bull tears into tot..suing..slay police as they sleep..secret agenda..knife pulled from boy's head..Grain prices up 120%; hungry people riot..boy killer..Surviving..assassination..higher tax bills..Suicidal mom..Bombings kill..volcano erupting..thousands fleeing..gunfight..KKK..Thousands fight..Tax..executions..remains of missing teen..clues into disappearance..Family of seven loses all..daunting task..bombs kill..executions..Foreclosures continue to soar..Child rapists should die..Plane crashes..75 dead..Oil breaks $113..Teen describes stabbing, beheading man..tried to kill..gunfight ..150-pound cougar prowls Chicago streets..hacker..Train kills woman..House explodes..angry man..remains of missing teen..Teen held in identical twin's death..killed..collision..Body found..murder..suicidal son..arrested..arms trafficking..personality inflation the worst in 17 years..gun deaths..Deadly blasts..wildfires kill..mass evacuations..Dozens of kids killed..fighting kills 18..Pilot dies..wildfire..Low supply kicks oil close to $115..Dad struggles to yank kid from doomed jet..cancer returns..warned..forced..jury finds her guilty ..firing shots..lost..found..dies at 95 ..Mom throws kids from burning building..Plane crashes into market..Convicted sex offender blows himself up..political fallout..Angry man..conviction..Gator grins from atop back seat of car..Slaughter..climate change..Man arrested..ricin..terrorism..Killings..U.S. attacks..Man falls to death from stadium escalator..doomed jet..Boy's nose blows up..Toddler forced to smoke pot..4 shot at apartment complex..Cop battles python to save shooting..Suicide blast kills abuse..shame..Hundreds detained..immigration ripped apart home..Homeless man killed with own crutch..helicopter crash..kills 4..50 slain..Suicide bomb kills 24..recklessly dishonest..Citigroup cuts 9,000 more jobs..Smoke chokes..My tears alone spoke..Babies water-tortured..Man falls into crater as son hangs on rim..Hungry slither under fence as artist sings..
foreclosures up 178%..results remain hidden..Hungry..broke..Greedy..homeless..killings..Kidnapped..blackmailing suspects..due in court..Cops find gun..park shooting..pond scum..Pit bull tears into tot..suing..slay police as they sleep..secret agenda..knife pulled from boy's head..Grain prices up 120%; hungry people riot..boy killer..Surviving..assassination..higher tax bills..Suicidal mom..Bombings kill..volcano erupting..thousands fleeing..gunfight..KKK..Thousands fight..Tax..executions..remains of missing teen..clues into disappearance..Family of seven loses all..daunting task..bombs kill..executions..Foreclosures continue to soar..Child rapists should die..Plane crashes..75 dead..Oil breaks $113..Teen describes stabbing, beheading man..tried to kill..gunfight ..150-pound cougar prowls Chicago streets..hacker..Train kills woman..House explodes..angry man..remains of missing teen..Teen held in identical twin's death..killed..collision..Body found..murder..suicidal son..arrested..arms trafficking..personality inflation the worst in 17 years..gun deaths..Deadly blasts..wildfires kill..mass evacuations..Dozens of kids killed..fighting kills 18..Pilot dies..wildfire..Low supply kicks oil close to $115..Dad struggles to yank kid from doomed jet..cancer returns..warned..forced..jury finds her guilty ..firing shots..lost..found..dies at 95 ..Mom throws kids from burning building..Plane crashes into market..Convicted sex offender blows himself up..political fallout..Angry man..conviction..Gator grins from atop back seat of car..Slaughter..climate change..Man arrested..ricin..terrorism..Killings..U.S. attacks..Man falls to death from stadium escalator..doomed jet..Boy's nose blows up..Toddler forced to smoke pot..4 shot at apartment complex..Cop battles python to save shooting..Suicide blast kills abuse..shame..Hundreds detained..immigration ripped apart home..Homeless man killed with own crutch..helicopter crash..kills 4..50 slain..Suicide bomb kills 24..recklessly dishonest..Citigroup cuts 9,000 more jobs..Smoke chokes..My tears alone spoke..Babies water-tortured..Man falls into crater as son hangs on rim..Hungry slither under fence as artist sings..
Friday, April 11, 2008
Weekly Culture of Fear Report
Fear lowers IQ.. Mired in our Culture of Fear, media spirals the weak into irrelevance..
Soldiers killed..Flawed surge..more remains..attacks identified..Future crisis..polygamist sect..state custody..Police seek tapes..gutter ball..incest produced babies..diners pay..afford..sue..defamation..Teen accused..thrill kill..beheading..runaway bus..Body parts found..Protesters..Autistic girl..Crime..State takes legal custody..Trial begins..thrill killing..rescue..spook..officials arrested..Defiant Iran expands nuclear operation..tricks..cut fat..Drug errors..hurt..hospitalized kids..sick kids..Fixes for the environment..Sparse unearthed..Man holds youths at gunpoint..cut 200 jobs..dead at 75..Hung jury..trial..worker accused..leaking secrets weaknesses in IRS computer system..Protesters scale the Golden Gate Bridge..descends into chaos..torch is extinguished..strategist steps down..Stocks inch lower..Oil and gas trading probe..trouble with tech..Murky future..Credit crunch..shares plunge..Tensions rise..FDA warns..worst nightmare..harsh..religion..cancel more flights ..Incomes stall..poor..vicious beating..won't give up..Strip club..criticized..Baby with two faces..boxer beats burglar..incest produced babies..teacher getting beaten..Homeless..order against resident..breaks engagement..cancel more flights..deported..irresponsible..dumps..breaks engagement..cranky passengers..Protesters..cry for ..Barbie bandits..knife's edge..downturn ..Economic woes..worry..Pressure..San Francisco braces..depression..refugee crises ..angry..collapses..criticizes..paid ultimate price..anti tax abuse..victims..Lord of War..extradition..violence flares..warns..boycott..wake up call..Tarnished..partisan slump..Gasoline hits another record..Oil..stocks foulup ..charged with first degree murder..Thieves steal..Audit..Iraq war..suspension..chaos..35 arrested..bomb plot..deadly addiction..I'm a sociopath..killer..Beheading victim..gruesome dies..homeless..mishap..catastrophic..dead at 65..angry..risk..Lungless frog..Planet in Peril..Storms pound heartland..2 die..flooding prayed..cried..temple raid ..bankruptcy..destroyed by fire ..beating suspects..Dream ends..Beheading someone is 'not that difficult'..Rules changing..warning signs..massacre plans..Captured..knock it off..Insurgent flash..breaks law..Crossing guard dies..
Soldiers killed..Flawed surge..more remains..attacks identified..Future crisis..polygamist sect..state custody..Police seek tapes..gutter ball..incest produced babies..diners pay..afford..sue..defamation..Teen accused..thrill kill..beheading..runaway bus..Body parts found..Protesters..Autistic girl..Crime..State takes legal custody..Trial begins..thrill killing..rescue..spook..officials arrested..Defiant Iran expands nuclear operation..tricks..cut fat..Drug errors..hurt..hospitalized kids..sick kids..Fixes for the environment..Sparse unearthed..Man holds youths at gunpoint..cut 200 jobs..dead at 75..Hung jury..trial..worker accused..leaking secrets weaknesses in IRS computer system..Protesters scale the Golden Gate Bridge..descends into chaos..torch is extinguished..strategist steps down..Stocks inch lower..Oil and gas trading probe..trouble with tech..Murky future..Credit crunch..shares plunge..Tensions rise..FDA warns..worst nightmare..harsh..religion..cancel more flights ..Incomes stall..poor..vicious beating..won't give up..Strip club..criticized..Baby with two faces..boxer beats burglar..incest produced babies..teacher getting beaten..Homeless..order against resident..breaks engagement..cancel more flights..deported..irresponsible..dumps..breaks engagement..cranky passengers..Protesters..cry for ..Barbie bandits..knife's edge..downturn ..Economic woes..worry..Pressure..San Francisco braces..depression..refugee crises ..angry..collapses..criticizes..paid ultimate price..anti tax abuse..victims..Lord of War..extradition..violence flares..warns..boycott..wake up call..Tarnished..partisan slump..Gasoline hits another record..Oil..stocks foulup ..charged with first degree murder..Thieves steal..Audit..Iraq war..suspension..chaos..35 arrested..bomb plot..deadly addiction..I'm a sociopath..killer..Beheading victim..gruesome dies..homeless..mishap..catastrophic..dead at 65..angry..risk..Lungless frog..Planet in Peril..Storms pound heartland..2 die..flooding prayed..cried..temple raid ..bankruptcy..destroyed by fire ..beating suspects..Dream ends..Beheading someone is 'not that difficult'..Rules changing..warning signs..massacre plans..Captured..knock it off..Insurgent flash..breaks law..Crossing guard dies..
Blanchard Hill After Work 4.10.08
Another day at Paine Field watching the sky churn.. I made a call and convinced another pilot that I wasn't really out of my mind..
I blazed up I5 and rolled up to launch at just after three.. The tide was way out and what little of the sound was left was as smooth as glass; usually not a good sign.. Making matters worse, the mid level altocumulus development from the air off of the islands set up just right to block the sun.. I waited for a couple of hours and finally gave up hope..
I had my glider almost back in the bag when the glass-off started; A couple of guys took off and easily floated up a few hundred over.. Twenty minutes later my glider was back together and we launched into smooth air..
I had my glider almost back in the bag when the glass-off started; A couple of guys took off and easily floated up a few hundred over.. Twenty minutes later my glider was back together and we launched into smooth air..
Flew for a little more than an hour and got really cold..

Friday, April 04, 2008
Weekly Culture of Fear Report
The American media promotes Fear Culture in the Corporate States of America.. I ran across a study that found that people instilled with fear were easily controlled.. Since I read that, I've been more critical of the media's role..
Fear put gw in the Whitehouse in 04.. Now the corporate controlled media is bent on putting another war monger republican in office in 08.. Fear will serve to further dumb down the idiot masses into numb submission..
FAA failures..passengers in danger..Dengue outbreak..30-day twice..gas..Girl fights off kidnappers..cops..10 fire..Homeless....arrested..unbelievable..Hawk attacks girl..Cockpit deal..Bankruptcies..fares up..autism..challenged..Crime..accuser..jailed..alleged threats..power-washing my kid..disastrous..blows up World..deadly airstrike..Thousands hit..outbreak of your doctor..blasted..Back to pencil and paper..Unmanned station Living..bad boss..Fixes for the environment Science..renewable energy..bury greenhouse gas..tough guys..battle against dengue..U.S. is off track..Police..Man threatened...Tech killings..Bush gets joke..NATO summit..What if..chill..German suicide machine..sparks..outrage..hits gas..runs minivan over 5-year-old..Woman bites..pit bull..attacking...die..fight..released..arrest..Hawk attacks student..Fanged pond creature..massacre..drops the ball..dead at 44..Bankruptcies..fares up..Slayings..Cannibal fantasy child killer..death row..80,000 jobs lost..Wall Street waits..crackdown..Suicide machine..outrage..Warrants served..polygamist ranch..Pirates seize..error in judgment..bomber crashes..80,000 jobs slashed..tornado slams..Big Oil: Thank you..Bible stops bullet..Pregnant man..stuns..Shark crunches..Dead gator..tanker to flip..Fanged pond creature..
Fear put gw in the Whitehouse in 04.. Now the corporate controlled media is bent on putting another war monger republican in office in 08.. Fear will serve to further dumb down the idiot masses into numb submission..
FAA failures..passengers in danger..Dengue outbreak..30-day twice..gas..Girl fights off kidnappers..cops..10 fire..Homeless....arrested..unbelievable..Hawk attacks girl..Cockpit deal..Bankruptcies..fares up..autism..challenged..Crime..accuser..jailed..alleged threats..power-washing my kid..disastrous..blows up World..deadly airstrike..Thousands hit..outbreak of your doctor..blasted..Back to pencil and paper..Unmanned station Living..bad boss..Fixes for the environment Science..renewable energy..bury greenhouse gas..tough guys..battle against dengue..U.S. is off track..Police..Man threatened...Tech killings..Bush gets joke..NATO summit..What if..chill..German suicide machine..sparks..outrage..hits gas..runs minivan over 5-year-old..Woman bites..pit bull..attacking...die..fight..released..arrest..Hawk attacks student..Fanged pond creature..massacre..drops the ball..dead at 44..Bankruptcies..fares up..Slayings..Cannibal fantasy child killer..death row..80,000 jobs lost..Wall Street waits..crackdown..Suicide machine..outrage..Warrants served..polygamist ranch..Pirates seize..error in judgment..bomber crashes..80,000 jobs slashed..tornado slams..Big Oil: Thank you..Bible stops bullet..Pregnant man..stuns..Shark crunches..Dead gator..tanker to flip..Fanged pond creature..
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Horrifying Developments in Cycling
The term cycling culture comes up again and again..
My exposure to bike culture started back in the days of my favorite red Murray single speed coaster bike that I flew off of every jump that I could either find or build.. The cycling culture in my San Fernando neighborhood was hell bent on thrashing anything on two wheels.. We wore broken bikes and broken skin like a badge of honor..
In this age of communication cycling culture has taken on a life of it’s own.. Cycling culture has become Medusa.. Cycling culture is now that train wreck that will turn you to stone if you dare to look her in the eye..

My exposure to bike culture started back in the days of my favorite red Murray single speed coaster bike that I flew off of every jump that I could either find or build.. The cycling culture in my San Fernando neighborhood was hell bent on thrashing anything on two wheels.. We wore broken bikes and broken skin like a badge of honor..
In this age of communication cycling culture has taken on a life of it’s own.. Cycling culture has become Medusa.. Cycling culture is now that train wreck that will turn you to stone if you dare to look her in the eye..
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Who's The Fool..?
This has got to be the top April Fool's Day hoax of all time:
Congress, critical of tax breaks, lays into oil execs Lawmakers criticize industry for taking tax breaks amid record-high prices while underinvesting in renewable resources.
By Steve Hargreaves, staff writerLast Updated: April 1, 2008: 3:19 PM EDT
NEW YORK ( -- Lawmakers grilled executives from the world's five largest publicly traded oil companies Tuesday, criticizing them for taking tax subsidies and not investing in renewable resources amid record prices for oil and gasoline. [more..] ..
Who do they think they're fooling with this charade.. For just one millisecond I was fooled into thinking that there was the slightest possibility that the elected idiots were serious about doing their job..
Then I realized.. APRIL FOOL'S..!
Congress, critical of tax breaks, lays into oil execs Lawmakers criticize industry for taking tax breaks amid record-high prices while underinvesting in renewable resources.
By Steve Hargreaves, staff writerLast Updated: April 1, 2008: 3:19 PM EDT
NEW YORK ( -- Lawmakers grilled executives from the world's five largest publicly traded oil companies Tuesday, criticizing them for taking tax subsidies and not investing in renewable resources amid record prices for oil and gasoline. [more..] ..
Who do they think they're fooling with this charade.. For just one millisecond I was fooled into thinking that there was the slightest possibility that the elected idiots were serious about doing their job..
Then I realized.. APRIL FOOL'S..!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Five Little Specks
I stepped outside of my office this afternoon to look at the sky; I had been feeling a little bit down because I was stuck inside instead of being out at some flying site setting up my glider.. The clouds overhead looked like they were working and there was some overdevelopment over the Snohomish Valley..
A brief flash of black caught my attention and I knew right away that the eagles were out.. A midsized eagle was circling a couple hundred feet up; his white head and tail gave him away with every turn.. He wasn't climbing that well and the drift was taking him south of me.. So I whistled my best shrill eagle chirp to get his attention..
I learned the chirp by soaring countless times with eagles.. They chirp at each other when they find good lift.. Most of the time they just look at me like I don't know what I'm talking about.. Sometimes I get their attention and they'll move over to check it out..
This time my eagle buddy adjusted his circle and drifted right over my head.. He craned around trying to figure out where the chirp was coming from.. Eventually he drifted away and found a good core that took him up to join a gaggle of five eagles who had made their way to a decent cloud that had developed over Paine Field..
I stood there and watched them climb and dive on each other.. They didn't appear to have any purpose but to play in the air.. Five little black and white specks darting and spinning a few thousand feet up in the sky.. Eventually I lost track of them..
I've been thinking a lot about things lately.. I've been wondering why I get so serious about everything.. I've been thinking about purpose and play.. Maybe there should be no purpose except to play..
Funny how five little specks can really make you think..
I guess I've lost track of a lot of things..
A brief flash of black caught my attention and I knew right away that the eagles were out.. A midsized eagle was circling a couple hundred feet up; his white head and tail gave him away with every turn.. He wasn't climbing that well and the drift was taking him south of me.. So I whistled my best shrill eagle chirp to get his attention..
I learned the chirp by soaring countless times with eagles.. They chirp at each other when they find good lift.. Most of the time they just look at me like I don't know what I'm talking about.. Sometimes I get their attention and they'll move over to check it out..
This time my eagle buddy adjusted his circle and drifted right over my head.. He craned around trying to figure out where the chirp was coming from.. Eventually he drifted away and found a good core that took him up to join a gaggle of five eagles who had made their way to a decent cloud that had developed over Paine Field..
I stood there and watched them climb and dive on each other.. They didn't appear to have any purpose but to play in the air.. Five little black and white specks darting and spinning a few thousand feet up in the sky.. Eventually I lost track of them..
I've been thinking a lot about things lately.. I've been wondering why I get so serious about everything.. I've been thinking about purpose and play.. Maybe there should be no purpose except to play..
Funny how five little specks can really make you think..
I guess I've lost track of a lot of things..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Taco Truck Time Trial
I rode the Taco Truck Time Trial today..
Showed up early to check out the scene.. It was obvious right away that I was way out of my element; I was the dork with the wool jersey and a shiny Surly.. No problem though; everyone was really friendly..
The relaxed atmosphere was punctuated with free beer, a really cool motorized bike, and an actual taco disguised as a tandem team..
After the manditory conference bike ride, I was in the first group of riders to get on course.. Except for having no idea where I was and having no idea where I was going, it was a blast..
I did learn one important concept today; eating taco truck tacos will not kill you..

Showed up early to check out the scene.. It was obvious right away that I was way out of my element; I was the dork with the wool jersey and a shiny Surly.. No problem though; everyone was really friendly..
The relaxed atmosphere was punctuated with free beer, a really cool motorized bike, and an actual taco disguised as a tandem team..
After the manditory conference bike ride, I was in the first group of riders to get on course.. Except for having no idea where I was and having no idea where I was going, it was a blast..
I did learn one important concept today; eating taco truck tacos will not kill you..

Monday, March 24, 2008
Blanchard Hill - Early Spring Flight
Left work early today.. Blanchard Hill was the place to be.. Launched at 2:10 and spent 40 minutes in unorganized thermal lift.. Sank back down to launch altitude just in time to hook up with the goods.. Climbed to cloudbase with a gaggle of curious but friendly locals..
Good clouds to 5'000 feet around Blanchard.. Overdevelopment and soft hail squalls in the surrounding hills..
Got really cold and chose to land after 2hr 30min..

Good clouds to 5'000 feet around Blanchard.. Overdevelopment and soft hail squalls in the surrounding hills..
Got really cold and chose to land after 2hr 30min..

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Surly SteamRoller Fixed Gear
Over the last few weeks I've been riding a fixed gear.. My new Surly makes me smile every time i ride it.. Riding fixed adds some risk to the cycling equation.. But riding fixed has changed the way that I ride.. There is an increased sense of awareness and I find myself looking much further ahead at all times..
I'll post pictures of my SteamRoller on Here are some practice images..
Surly SteamRoller 56cm..
Soma Cross Lever..
Interloc Racing Design..
White Industries Chainring 46T..
Surly Cog 16T, Surly Tugnut..
White Industries Eno Crankset..
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This Endless and Illegal War..
I grew up with Black Sabbath.. Their music was a powerful diversion during my teenage years.. Tony's guitar is still in my head..
One of my all time favorite Sabbath tunes is War Pigs.. War Pigs has taken a more significant place in my head since a spoiled little jerk decided to seal his infamous place in history..
We've got to end this war.. We cannot allow the old guard to remain in control.. The human race cannot survive a hundred years of this..
This must change..
One of my all time favorite Sabbath tunes is War Pigs.. War Pigs has taken a more significant place in my head since a spoiled little jerk decided to seal his infamous place in history..
We've got to end this war.. We cannot allow the old guard to remain in control.. The human race cannot survive a hundred years of this..
This must change..

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Orchestrated Deception on the Path to War
935 False Statements are 935 Lies..
I've been walking through your streets,
Where all you money's earning,
Where all your building's crying,
And clueless neckties working,
Revolving fake lawn houses,
Housing all your fears,
Desensitized by tv,
Overbearing advertising,
God of consumerism,
And all your crooked pictures,
Looking good, mirrorism,
Filtering information,
For the public eye,
Designed for profiteering,
Your neighboor, what a guy.
Boom, boom, boom, boom,
Every time you drop the bomb,
You kill the God your child has born.
Boom, boom, boom, boom.
Modern globalization,
Coupled with condemnations,
Unnecessary death,
Matador corporations,
Puppeting your frustrations,
With the blinded flag,
Manufacturing consent Is the name of the game,
The bottom line is money,
Nobody gives a fuck.
4000 hungry children die per hour,
From starvation,
While billions spent on bombs,
Create death showers.
Boom, boom, boom, boom,
Every time you drop the bomb,
You kill the God your child has born.
Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom
Why, why, why, why must we kill, kill, kill, kill, our own, own, own, own kind...
Boom, boom, boom, boom,
Every time you drop the bomb,
You kill the God your child has born.
Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom
Every time you drop the bomb.
- System of a Down -
I've been walking through your streets,
Where all you money's earning,
Where all your building's crying,
And clueless neckties working,
Revolving fake lawn houses,
Housing all your fears,
Desensitized by tv,
Overbearing advertising,
God of consumerism,
And all your crooked pictures,
Looking good, mirrorism,
Filtering information,
For the public eye,
Designed for profiteering,
Your neighboor, what a guy.
Boom, boom, boom, boom,
Every time you drop the bomb,
You kill the God your child has born.
Boom, boom, boom, boom.
Modern globalization,
Coupled with condemnations,
Unnecessary death,
Matador corporations,
Puppeting your frustrations,
With the blinded flag,
Manufacturing consent Is the name of the game,
The bottom line is money,
Nobody gives a fuck.
4000 hungry children die per hour,
From starvation,
While billions spent on bombs,
Create death showers.
Boom, boom, boom, boom,
Every time you drop the bomb,
You kill the God your child has born.
Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom
Why, why, why, why must we kill, kill, kill, kill, our own, own, own, own kind...
Boom, boom, boom, boom,
Every time you drop the bomb,
You kill the God your child has born.
Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom/boom
Every time you drop the bomb.
- System of a Down -

Monday, January 21, 2008
Snowshoe Trip to Hyak

Desiree and I spent the day in the Cascades on Sunday.. We made the easy drive up Snoqualime Pass to the Hyak Ski area.. The snow was great; 10 inches of new snow on Saturday.. The conditions were perfect..
We treked up to the top of the ski area and walked around Hyak Lake.. I had this brilliant idea to walk across the frozen lake.. But Desiree helped change my mind..
The nordic area of Hyak is great.. The backside of Mt. Catherine is huge.. When the snow conditions are right, it looks like you could go anywhere you'd like..

Saturday, January 05, 2008
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