Monday, March 31, 2008

Five Little Specks

I stepped outside of my office this afternoon to look at the sky; I had been feeling a little bit down because I was stuck inside instead of being out at some flying site setting up my glider.. The clouds overhead looked like they were working and there was some overdevelopment over the Snohomish Valley..
A brief flash of black caught my attention and I knew right away that the eagles were out.. A midsized eagle was circling a couple hundred feet up; his white head and tail gave him away with every turn.. He wasn't climbing that well and the drift was taking him south of me.. So I whistled my best shrill eagle chirp to get his attention..
I learned the chirp by soaring countless times with eagles.. They chirp at each other when they find good lift.. Most of the time they just look at me like I don't know what I'm talking about.. Sometimes I get their attention and they'll move over to check it out..
This time my eagle buddy adjusted his circle and drifted right over my head.. He craned around trying to figure out where the chirp was coming from.. Eventually he drifted away and found a good core that took him up to join a gaggle of five eagles who had made their way to a decent cloud that had developed over Paine Field..
I stood there and watched them climb and dive on each other.. They didn't appear to have any purpose but to play in the air.. Five little black and white specks darting and spinning a few thousand feet up in the sky.. Eventually I lost track of them..
I've been thinking a lot about things lately.. I've been wondering why I get so serious about everything.. I've been thinking about purpose and play.. Maybe there should be no purpose except to play..
Funny how five little specks can really make you think..
I guess I've lost track of a lot of things..

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